Monday, May 4, 2009

Balance... Juggling... Multi-tasking

Balance... juggling... multi-tasking - whatever you want to call it. I've raced for over 20 years and it's always been a tight rope act to balance family, work, home (and all the associated upkeep) and training / racing. Essentially in that order although my wife would argue the house comes in behind training / racing. I could sacrifice one to the benefit of another but instead just try and juggle each the best I can.... always accepting that you can't be the best at all 4 (I'll never win the "lawn of month" in my neighborhood, there really is an award....)

So, "this economy".... and one vacation/sick day off since July, ten to twelve hour work days and stress to help keep a small (50 employee) IT company afloat and wham.... the balance is gone. Training and racing.... gone this early season. Family.... they went on a weeklong vacation to Florida.... without me!

Over the last few weeks I've decided to bring the balance back - even traveled to do a few races (after some appreciated emails asking me what was up and if everything was alright) and planning some camping trips with the family.

Balance restored, I hope ....


  1. I didn't see any drop in form at Ft Lee.
    The balance it probably the hardest part of it all. I tell my wife that at least I'm not like (insert friend's golf addicted husband name here) who drops $100-150 playing golf each week.

  2. Thanks Albe, working my way back into it.

    Of course I'm trying to convince the family to take some of the camping trips to coincide with out of town
